Bullfrog Power is an inspiring Canadian green energy success story. Since 2005 Bullfrog pioneers in providing easy solutions for large businesses like Walmart, Unilever, and RBC as well as individuals to power their homes and offices with 100% renewable energy. At their tenth anniversary I talk to CEO Ron Seftel on how the green energy landscape has evolved and how businesses may position themselves for the anticipated changes from our new climate-friendly federal and provincial governments.
renewable energy
Operational since early 2010, the huge 800-panel solar rooftop system costs $1.85 million to build. The third part of this case study focuses on financial details. We look at the startup costs, operating costs, income from the high profile Ontario Feed-In Tariff program, and most importantly, the projected payback period.
This is the second part of our case study on Canada’s largest solar rooftop. Located in Mississauga, just outside Toronto, the building’s construction was completed in Fall 2009. The rooftop solar system became operational in early 2010. It is the first system that feed electricity into the provincial power grid under the high profile Ontario Feed-In Tariff program. In this installment, we will look at the details of the system design and installation.
Canada’s largest solar rooftop became operational in early 2010. Located in Mississauga, just outside Toronto, it is the first system that feeds electricity into the Ontario power grid under the high profile provincial Feed-In Tariff program. This multi-part case study looks at the pioneering system’s design and installation, hardware components, Feed-In Tariff program application, financial analysis, its effect on the corporate culture, and some of the surprises.
Widely covered by the press including the New York Times, Ontario announced the approval of 184 renewable energy projects worth $8 billion under their Feed-In Tariff program. If you operate a business in Ontario, what should you do? In addition to looking at this as an opportunity to make money while being socially responsible, you could also consider it as a chance to diversify your energy mix and reduce your future energy pricing risks. Read more in this post.